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2020 Pinot Grigio Riserva, Giatl, DOC Alto Adige

2020 Pinot Grigio Riserva, Giatl, DOC Alto Adige

Peter Zemmer, Alto Adige
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This extraordinary Pinot Grigio flourishes under outstanding climatic conditions on a stony, sandy and extremely chalky soil in the valley floor  around the  center of Cortina  s.s.d.v. The favourable location of  the vineyards, ideal  sunshine, and the good ventilation of the berries assures the excellent quality of the grapes of this varietal, that is also a representative of the Burgundy family.

Winemaking: The  grapes are  pressed and  the  stems are removed  in  the pneumatic tank press. Before being pressed, a short cold maceration takes place in order to enhance the fruitiness of the wine. Afterwards, the grapes are gently pressed and clarified  through  the natural settling of sediments. The alcoholic fermentation takes place in small casks of French oak in which this particular wine acquires  complexity through its 12 months aging and ripening on the yeast.

Grape: Pinot Grigio